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교세라 Scan to Smb 본문

복사기 A3+/교세라 kyocera

교세라 Scan to Smb

물통닷컴 2019. 3. 12. 12:21

교세라 Scan to Smb

고객님 요청으로 원격으로 드라이버 설치하고 스캔 설정(FTP)로 설정하고 있는데
교세라도큐먼트 솔루션스 홈페이지에 유틸자료실에 그동안 못봤던 유틸이 올라와 있어 공유해봅니다.
Scan to Smb라은 유틸이네요.



잠깐 봐서는 SMB설정을 빠르게 도와주는 유틸인거 같은데....다음에 테스트 해보고 메뉴얼 올릴 수 있으면 올려 보겠습니다.

압축풀면  메뉴얼인듯 한데 한글 지원은 안되는 모양입니다.

Supported Environment

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Languages: English, Japanese, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Swedish, Turkish, Catalan, Thai, Vietnamese


Supported Models

All multi-function printers with the Scan to Folder feature.

Note: One touch key setup feature is only available for selected models only.


Limitations and Restrictions


Known Issue: When creating an address for scanning, the default port will be set to 445.

Details: This value should not be changed.


Known Issue: Unable to retrieve address book contact password from MFP.

Details: Contact password cannot be retrieved from the MFP due to security reason.


Known Issue: 2 bytes character for a folder name cannot be set on certain models.

Solutions: Use 1 byte character for a folder name to add address entry.


Known Issue: For some models, the Address Book can be edited even when editing restrictions are applied to the Address Book in the MFP settings.

Details: As part of the SNMP specification, SNMP always responds even if editing restrictions are applied. (For some models, edit restrictions will properly restrict modification of Address book)


Known Issue: When using a local user account for share folder access and the same username also exists as a domain account, credentials will be verified as domain account first and then local account if an authentication failure occurs.

Solution: Account credentials can be stated more explicitly by using UPN or SAM account format to better differentiate what is the intended user.


Known Issue: In case Scan to folder tool is running as a different user other than login user, user name field could be empty.

Solutions: Manually enter user name and password.


Known Issue: When providing credentials for a remote share location, only user accounts shared by current system and remote location can be used. Local user accounts for remote machine are unsupported.

Solutions: Provide domain credential or user credential from current system that will authenticate with remote system. 
